We craft jewels of an unmistakable light. A light to remember the most precious moments.
The Giorgio Visconti light.
So we celebrate an elegant woman who loves to preserve and perpetuate each meaningful instant of her life.
The Giorgio Visconti light is the reflection of her inner light.
Our diamonds are gifts of nature that we deeply respect, acting responsibly without ostentation.
Our jewelry aim to represent - through innovation and renewal - the classic spirit of the only jewelry we love: the timeless jewelry.
Creation. Uniqueness. Heritage.
Authentic value for a world full of light.
A world in which the style of our design and our fine jewelry culture will continue to be the light that set us apart.
A world in which we will shine, knowing how to remain true to our own identity.
A world in which every woman may feel loved, first and foremost loved by herself.
A world with no light, it’s not Giorgio Visconti.
Our core values
Our fundamental value
Certainly, it concerns our jewelry and gemstones. But if that was all, it would not be enough.
It relates to the authenticity of the people working at Giorgio Visconti and the distinctive quality of our relationships.
It means fulfilling our commitments. Honesty and transparency towards our clients. Integrity. Consistency between words and actions. The truth. We demand it to ourselves and we seek for it in our interlocutors. Who does not believe in this value cannot work with us.
The authenticity is our guiding principle. It must always lead us. It is the guiding light of our actions. It is the principle we praise. Our unscratchable diamond.

Creativity is a true value to us.
A value that is passionately embraced and deeply trusted by all of us at Giorgio Visconti, regardless of the role covered.
It means to try to improve our work even for a small detail.
It means that when we face a new problem, we start looking for solutions. When we face an obstacle in our challenges, we tackle it. It does not stop us.
It means that classic feel and timeless design is what we praise in our jewelry. And even if it might be true that in the jewelry sector nothing new can be invented, we firmly believe the opposite.

Everyone is unique. After all, true pieces of jewelry are also unique.
Even just because of a small detail.
Everyone deserves to be respected and appreciated in their individuality. After all, true pieces of jewelry also need to express their own personality.
It is our duty to respect and value the uniqueness of each client, of everyone that collaborate with us or that we met through our work, but above all it is a pleasure we cultivate.
We want to give our contribution to valorize everything that is unique, and everything that has the potential to become so. We strive with our work to realize it.
When the value is authentic, it is also unique. And when it is unique, it truly becomes part of us.

“Mehr licht”, more light.
These are said to be the last words pronounced by Goethe.
These are the words that first inspire us in all of our creations.

Light is a mystery.
Heavenly, impalpable, almost inexplicable, it can be perceived through the sight but it is untouchable.
And yet, it requires a physical body to be reflected, otherwise there would be no light.
Therefore, the existence of light is a task achievable only by shaping the matter.
To us, this task represents the creation of jewelry that can shine. Jewelry with an unmistakable light. The Giorgio Visconti light.
It is a soft and discreet elegance.
It is made with love and care, paying attention to every detail.
Through each of our creations, the inexplicable can take shape.
And the hidden pleasure of life’s most precious moments will be free to reveal itself.